Blog - Advanced Neurotherapy, P.C.

Benefits of Exercise for the Brain

Written by Advanced Neurotherapy, PC | July 29, 2016

The importance of exercise for the body is emphasized by every health professional in the United States, but did you know that exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, also benefits the brain? Here is a list of ways exercise benefits the brain.

1. Exercise increases your heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. The brain cannot actually store oxygen, so the brain always needs a constant supply.

2. Exercise acts as an antidepressant for the brain, proven to reduce stress hormones and feelings of anxiety. Exercise also contributes to more cell growth in the hippocampus, increasing cognitive ability in the part of the brain that controls memory and learning ability. Those who exercise have the ability to learn at a faster rate than those who do not according to studies. Exercise also releases endorphins, which are proven to improve mood.

3. Exercise stimulates brain plasticity, which is the brain’s extraordinary way of changing it’s own functioning and structure. It is a reorganization of the brain’s neuropathways by creating new neural connections. Excerise actually makes it easier to create new neural connections.

4. Exercise improves cognitive performance across a person’s lifespan, and can reduce cognitive decline associated with aging. Naturally, the brain starts to function differently as a person ages, but exercise helps keep the brain sharp and fresh, even in older ages.

5. Exercise reduces inflammation in the brain. This allows the brain to function more healthily, calmly, and effectively.

6. Exercise helps people sleep better at night. Expending so much energy working out helps the body regulate sleep patterns. However, exercising at night may stimulate the brain if it’s too high of an intensity, which can keep a person up at night. This is why yoga is an excellent choice for night exercise, as it works to calm the brain as well.

7. Exercising regularly can benefit those struggling with ADHD because it releases serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which are all hormones associated with the ability to motivate and concentrate, affecting attention and focus. It works as a natural stimulant for the brain without the unwanted side effects of stimulant medication.

 Image courtesy of Madrolli at