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Thirsty? Reasons to Drink Water Right Now!

Written by Advanced Neurotherapy, PC | October 23, 2020

Are you thirsty right now? If you are feeling any kind of thirsty sensation, this means you are already dehydrated! Even if the thirst does not seem strong, the body is sending signals to rehydrate. So many people do not drink enough water, which can impact the way you think and feel every day. After all, your body is made up of 60% water. Drinking water is particularly important during summer months because the heat dehydrates us faster than we realize. Read our list of reasons to drink more water!

1. Water cleanses and flushes out the system, relieving the body of waste and toxins building up in our digestive system. If you have troubles with constipation, drinking more water can help.

2. Headaches are commonly experienced when a person is not hydrated enough. Next time you have a headache, drink a full glass of water and see if it begins to improve. Drinking more water during the day will help ward off headaches before they strike.

3. Do you often experience pain in your joints? If a person is dehydrated, the cartilage near joints can harden. Drink more water to soften your cartilage and alleviate joint pain.

4. Sports performance greatly improves when you drink water. Try drinking a full glass of water before hitting the gym or playing sports. You will have more energy during the activity as opposed to the fatigue felt when dehydrated.

5. Did you know that many of the times that people think they are hungry they are actually thirsty? Try drinking water when food cravings begin, and it could very well suppress those cravings, leading to weight loss!

6. Not drinking enough water actually impacts your mood in day-to-day life. People who are well hydrated have an easier time thinking, which can impact mood and executive functions. 

Drinking water throughout the day seems like an easy task, but the truth of the matter is that most people are not drinking enough water. What are some easy ways to ensure you’re drinking more water?

  • Have a full glass of water near you and set a timer for every hour. If you have yet to finish the glass of water by the time your alarm rings, finish the glass, and pour another one to drink in the next hour.
  • Carry a water bottle with you where ever you go.
  • Add more raw fruits and veggies to your diet, as they have high water content in addition to various other health perks.
  • If you become bored with the flavor of water, add a couple slices of fruit to your glass to add flavor. Adding a couple drops of lemon essential oil really makes a huge difference in flavor as well.

First image courtesy of winnond at 

Second image courtesy of Theeradech Sanin at