Using our highly rigorous computerized brain mapping methods, we can pinpoint problems in the brain and figure out what parts of the brain need to work more efficiently.
The brain mapping technology that we use is unique to the field of neurofeedback.
We use analysis methods and a computerized system developed by the founder of the field of neurofeedback, Dr. Barry Sterman of UCLA. This allows us to examine the brain’s electrical output (the EEG) in many different ways. We search the data for the unique story each brain has to tell.
We then develop neurofeedback protocol based on the specific needs of your brain. Other brain mapping software packages examine the EEG by standard brain wave bands. Our EEG analysis is far more specific. The particular needs of a brain do not typically fall within these standard bands. We look for the precise brain wave bands that are important to your individual brain. The more specifically we target the particular needs of each brain, the more effectively the brain can learn. When you come to Advanced Neurotherapy, PC,
you benefit from the specificity model.
After more than 1500 brain map studies over a period of fifteen years, we have enhanced our methodology based on case results.
Also, we perform a second brain map after 30 neurofeedback sessions on the majority of our clients. This allows us to relate the changes in the EEG to the improvements in neurological function, and to make changes in treatment protocols that result in further improvements. This allows us to push the envelope and to maximize results over the course of the next group of neurofeedback sessions.
Every person who completes neurofeedback with Advanced Neurotherapy becomes a case study from which we learn and develop our technology.
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