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Mood Disorders and Neurofeedback

Mood disorders are a category of mental illness that cause a significant change in a person’s mood. Depression is a common feature of mental illness with 20% of the US population reports at least one symptom of depression a month. Various types of mood disorders identify depression as the main issue, can hinder a person’s normal function in day to day life. Read our blog “10 Types of Depressionwhere we discuss different types of depression and how neurofeedback can be used to calm symptoms to improve quality of life.

Emotional symptoms of mood disorders include:

Peak Performance and Neurofeedback by Dr. Jolene Ross

A comment to a previous blog post got me thinking: it is very reasonable to wonder if neurofeedback can be helpful with performance enhancement. Here at Advanced Neurotherapy, we have helped athletes, composers, choreographers, and business people enhance their performance. There is indeed research on the application of neurofeedback in performance enhancement. Look below for a sample of that research. Please note that the Leveque study demonstrated the improvement of the functioning of neurological systems that support selective attention and inhibition (stopping impulses) in children with ADHD.  It is reasonable to extrapolate from this study that the functioning of these structures is also enhanced in high functioning individuals whose goal is performance enhancement. Improved attention impulse control supports this goal.

5 Foods to Avoid If You Have Anxiety

In the United States, anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health illnesses reported with an estimated 3 million people affected each year. Often, poor eating habits and diet can contribute to anxiety. Read this list of five commonly consumed substances that can contribute to anxiety.

5 Sneaky Symptoms of Stress

The average person commonly experiences high levels of stress at any given time, especially if work or school starts increasing demands on performance. The body processes stress in mysterious ways. It is important to listen to what your body is telling you. Read this list of five sneaky symptoms of stress.

Dementia and Neurofeedback

Across the world today, there are 47.5 million people struggling with dementia, or the decline of mental ability so severe it affects a person’s day-to-day life. The term describes a range of symptoms from decline in memory to reduced brain function, which affects a person’s ability to perform regular activities. Damage in the brain’s nerve cells causes dementia, with many parts of the brain being prone to this type of damage. The symptoms are dependent on which part of the brain is affected.

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