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A Medication-Free Alternative to ADHD

Many parents struggle to help their child/children who have been diagnosed with ADHD. While most children are not tested for ADHD until problems begin arising in the classroom, children as young as four can be diagnosed according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. While doctors often prescribe stimulants, such as amphetamine, to children with ADHD, prescribing these medications for young children can be worrisome due to the side effects, both short term and potentially long term.

Grief and Neurofeedback: Coping with Loss

One of the most difficult life experiences every person will encounter is coping with the death of a loved one. Death triggers emotional grief that may be so intense and consuming that even the thought of living life normally seems absolutely impossible. There is no right way to grieve, and everyone grieves in their own unique ways. While it is perfectly natural to be sad after losing a loved one, many times grief can lead to depression or make already existing anxiety and/or depression substantially worse.

6 Ways Neurofeedback Improves Daily Life

Neurofeedback, a safe, medication free brain training treatment, aims to improve brain function by targeting areas in the brain that are having trouble functioning. After neurofeedback sessions, the brain functions at a more optimal level, allowing a person to live life more easily. Neurofeedback combined with additional therapies, such as talk therapy, and a well-balanced diet and exercise routine, will noticeably improve day to day life in various ways, including: 

Do Not Make New Years Resolutions: Make a Commitment to Yourself

What is a resolution?  The appropriate dictionary definition regarding new years resolutions is “the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.”  Also, “a decision or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.”

5 Ways to Cope with Grief During the Holidays

Holidays can be a beautiful time of year where families come together and create wonderful memories together. However, if a family member or friend has passed away, holidays can be painful reminders of their absence. Good memories and traditions associated with the deceased may now create sadness as they will no longer be present in the celebration. A person suffering from grief may feel low energy and may not want to celebrate the holiday season entirely. Additionally, the anticipation of spending the holidays without a love one can cause a person distress throughout the entire season. Here are some tips to help make the holidays easier for those experiencing grief.

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